Friday, June 13, 2008

District Track Meet

Our final event was held on June 13 at Sandwich Secondary High School. It was a very stormy (and scarey) morning. Lots of lightning! The kids were all sent into the high school cafeteria while the adults (or shall I say "crazy people") stayed out in the tents to guard the food and kids belongings. We, as usual, were the envy of the other schools as Frank Mazzara (our school vice-principal and track coach) put on a great lunch for the kids --Each year he borrows tents and buys lots of juices and water for the kids, which is kept cool in a kiddy wading pool with lots of ice, and sets up quite the spread for the kids to eat all day. We always have kids from other schools walking by to check us out!-- Nick finished off his track days at Gosfield in style. He couldn't have had a better day if he tried. Oh yeah, the weather cleared and the event went on. He finished as follows: 1st in 100M in 13.27 seconds, 1st in 200M in 26.87 seconds and again the relay team blew everyone away with a 1st place finish at 51.12 seconds again breaking the school's record. Gosfield took 3rd place overall and Nick took the silver medal in open boys with 20 points!

1 comment:

Jim said...

Nice new layout Kel, looks good. Keep up the updates, cause we'll be checking.