Monday, October 31, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Essex Tots Halloween Parade

On Thursday, October 27th the town of Essex had their tots parade which I have wanted to go to the last 2 Halloweens but we always seemed to have doctors appts on the day it was scheduled. This year Evan did have therapy but I changed the date so that we could go. Of course like almost every other day this year it rained but it was a light rain and actually didn't start until I got into Essex and was unloading them into the stroller. It was a chilly day also but I brought lots of blankets and we had warm coats, hats and my big umbrella. We kind of cut it a little short as there was alot more people than I expected and these little ones had had enough but it was fun. I think their costumes speak for themselves although I had a bit of trouble getting Tommy to wear his full costume (which suprised me). He also was not very co-operative with pictures (which didn't surprise me at all!).



Sunday, October 2, 2011


We took the little boys to go apple picking one sunny afternoon in early October. Of course we were done in 10 minutes flat as they lost interest pretty quick. Although they had fun throwing the apples in the cart. Yes, throwing. So needless to say I will probably be making a few pies and lots of applesauce with all my bruised apples. It was still fun even if it was quick. They also crashed pretty much as soon as we got back into the van and had a second afternoon nap!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Back to it

I'm getting pretty darn fed up with Facebook and will most likely be spending more time here posting updates on the family. I will be quite honest that I do not have much time to spend at the computer these days (especially without little helper typers who love the delete button) but I'll do my best to post a little more often than I have in the past.