Friday, August 7, 2009

The twins are 4 months old!

14 weeks old

14 weeks old

14weeks old
14 weeks old

14 weeks old

14 weeks old

14 weeks old

15 weeks old

15 weeks old

15 weeks old

15 weeks old

15 weeks old

16 weeks old
16 weeks old

16 weeks old

16 weeks old

By this time, the boys have been growing like crazy. Evan is 11 lbs. 2 oz. and 22.5 inches long. We have now met with several of Evans specialists. In London, we've met Dr. Matic (plastic surgeon), Dr. Butter (general surgeon-hernia repair), Dr. deRibau-Pierre (neurologist) and in Windsor, we've met with Dr. Morgan (pediatician), Derek Kozar (orthotist-helmet), Dr. Anderson (family doctor) and of course, the "girlfriends" at the John McGivney Centre - Tonia (speech pathologist), Louise Henry (occupational therapist), Bonnie Darbyson (physiotherapist) and Sharyn Zerbin (behavioural consultant. That's just the beginning!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ava & Nick's Birthday

We celebrated Ava's 1 st Birthday (July 20th) with the family at the same time as Nick's 15th Birthday (Aug. 03rd).

Birthday Girl!

Are you blowing it out or me?

Nick & Ava

Ashley and Alanna fussing over Evan



Brydon & Joelle

Thomas - almost bald and super skinny!

Evan and Uncle Jim
The next few pics were taken on Ava's actual birthday.

Ava & Meme

Ava with Pepe and Thomas

Ava - guess what we had for dinner!

Ava opening her gifts

Ava had just started walking a day or two before her birthday!