Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Nursery

Well, I have almost completed the room. There are still some small things that need to be completed, but overall I am pleased with the amount we were able to get done this last few weeks. Thanks to Nick for moving to his new room downstairs -- although I don't think it was much of a sacrifice as he now has twice the space and more privacy -- just right for a teenager!

This is the blanket that meme gave me just before she died (she made it). She believed that someday I would have baby to wrap up in it and she was right. It means the world to me to have it.

Friday, March 6, 2009

More Pregnancy Pictures

On Saturday, February 28 I went over to Jim & Angie's for my second photo shoot. Jim's style is different than Angie's (my sister's) but I can't say I prefer one over the other. I love both of their styles and the pictures are great. They made me look so good! Thanks to Angie (my sister-in-law) for her "eyes".

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Amnio Results

Dr. Mundle called tonight to give us our preliminary results. Twin B does not have a chromosome abnormality. Thank goodness! We now have to begin the process of setting everything up with Toronto for delivery. We want the surgery for the baby done as soon as possible to take the pressure off of his brain. Hopefully they will set this up for us quickly so that we can get Nick & Luc's arrangements made.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Amnio Test Day

Today was the real test day. It wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be. They sent me upstairs to go on the monitors to watch for contractions just in case. The babies did not like the monitors and kicked like crazy the whole time, especially Twin B. He kept kicking it off and the nurses had to keep coming back to re-position it. I went home and am on bed rest for the day and tomorrow. I should have the results by the end of the week.