Tuesday, January 20, 2009

27 weeks ultrasound

I had my next set of ultrasounds today. I had a different tech this time and she took the time to show me a bit more as she took the measurements and for the first time I was told the weight of the babies. Trust me I know it. I am growing so fast! These shots are just profiles of the babies faces and Twin A (2 lbs 5 oz) is a little clearer than Twin B (2 lbs 3 oz). The tech said that Twin B was pushed up against the placenta so his/her nose is a little squished and that's why the profile isn't as clear. Oh well, they're better than some of the last ones we've had!

Happy 6 months Ava!

Ava is 6 months old today. She had her shots yesterday and did not like it! She is starting to eat cereal now and loves it. She has mastered many new talents but is especially good at rolling back to belly and once she starts she rolls completely across the room! She is alot of fun!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ava at 5 months

It's hard to believe how much she has changed in just the last few weeks. Here's a few pics of her hanging out with meme & pepe.