Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

I must admit I definitely enjoy the kids being older for Christmas morning! No more 5:00 am cries of "can we get up now!" We opened gifts at 9:00 am. YEAH!! However of course with age comes more expensive gift requests! Here's a few pics of the kids on Christmas morning!

Monday, December 22, 2008

22 week pictures

Here are my 22 week pictures basically of the babies faces. They looked alot better on the screen than they printed out. Twin A was looking directly at me and I could clearly see the baby's face and Twin B is looking down and again on the screen it was clear but they didn't print very nicely. Oh well!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ava and Luc

This was taken last weekend just before we went to Frank & Mary's for an early Christmas gathering. Ava loves her Uncle Luc!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Early Shower Gift

Many many thanks to Gayle & Dad for this great gift! It's already become a favourite area for us to hang out especially after dinner. I know we'll all be doing alot of rocking very soon! The babies are growing fast!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Thanks to our family for their help!

Many thanks is extended to our family for helping out the last few weeks with Ava. She is doing well. Special thanks to Rachel & Angie for loaning us some clothes and offering up a bunch of "yard sale" bargains. Here she is driving her car in her exersaucer and playing with her hanging toys on the playmat.