Monday, July 21, 2008

Baby Ava is Here!

Tara gave us all a little scare yesterday by going into labour a little early, but all is well. Ava Anne-Marie Sauve-Lawson was born on July 20, 2008 at 12:51 am weighing in at 5 lbs. 13 oz. and 19 inches long. Ava is doing well but is spending some of her time in the NICU as Tara has toxemia and still has some blood pressure issues. However both are ok and will hopefully be released safe & sound in the next few days. Here is one of her first official photos (other than the naked ones taken as soon as she was born) taken this morning when we took the boys to the hospital to meet her for the first time.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tara's Baby Shower

On July 15th, I had a small baby shower at our house for Tara and baby. We had basically immediate family (all of Tara's aunts and grandma's and of course girl cousins). I made the "cakes" for Tara. One is made from bath towels (white one) and the other is made of baby diapers (pink one). Jim's Angie also made one from diapers but I'm afraid I don't have a good picture of it but if you check out Jim's blog there's a good one there. Tara received alot of beautiful gifts. Now all she has to do is wait for her baby girl to arrive in August.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Port Stanley

Chris's cousins Joanne & Russell own a cottage in Port Stanley and invite their family & friends to come up for a "fun day" on the long weekends in the summertime. We took advantage this holiday and went up for the day. Tara joined us as well as Ashley & Lauren. It was a sunny and warm day! Here we are at the beach!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Old/New Farm Equipment

Chris bought 2 wagons from his Aunt Louise and Uncle Richard a couple of years ago when they retired from farming. They were in great condition and were a solid dark green colour. He has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to change them to "John Deere Green" and the chance & money finally arrived. He purchased extensions and a tarp (I want to know why only "sons" and not "wife who puts up with all the crap during farming season") and his brother John did the painting. I think the final product turned out perfectly! Can't wait til wheat season to try it out!